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【KIT】| How to be a good programmer

Let’s start a new life, be a better Programmer.

Programming is not easy as it sounds, and aiming for Improvement is also a difficult goal. Plus, there are too many obstacles and distractions all over the Programming World. So let me show you the guideline into being a better programmer.

1. Having a nice keyboard with RGB light

A keyboard with RGB really increases your productivity, keep your motivation high and stable. It might sounds weird but it really efficient in attracting you to type on that Keyboard. Plus, having a nice keyboard means you can also improve your typing speed, It extremely important to have a average typing speed, you always need to type fast to complete your program

2. Keep coding everyday

Always make sure that your code is optimized and efficient.
No matter how many experiences we have, the coding problems always appear differently. Practicing coding everyday can improve your logical skill, algorithm skill, mathematics, and problem solving skill. If you don’t know where to start, You can check Atcoder . You can learn by joining atcoder’s contest which is conducted every week or you can join the previous contests. There are many advantages of Atcoder, You might learn to code, solving varies of coding problems, see other’s solution and learn from the community, climb up your rank every contest you joined.

3. Create your own project

Working on personal project has much effect on our skill. You might able to learn various of technologies depend on your project. You will gain confidence and might impress future interviewer. Working on your own project forces you to finish everything on your own, so it is easier to complete our task by not asking other for help, and it is a high chance that you will be asked for help.

Don’t worry about failing, you can fail 1000 times AND THAT’S OK. Keep up your motivation and continue building yourself.

4. Build a team project

It sure is different to work with team members. All the tasks are MUST-COMPLETE, you can’t give up on your work because it is a Team-project. It help you build your patient level on solving difficult thing

Tip: Keep your team members motivated, so they can work smoothly till the end.

5. Helping others

It is a common strategy to improve your skill. The more you help, the more problems you will face. The memories of you helping other will remain very long, so when you face the same problem that you helped, you can easily get the solution. “Helping other” could be self-satisfaction, so be a kind person and the greatest success will come.

6. Spend time reading Documentation

Lots of information are on the Documentation, You better read than watch tutorial on Youtube. Reading gives you the foundation based on program you in, then you can implement on your own later. Also you build a good habit of reading. It is the best way to learn, don’t rely too much on teachers, websites, or courses, because all of that lessons are maybe taken from Documentation.

Tips: Read, understand, practice, memorize !!

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