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[KIT] How to Push yourself to reach your goals

Push yourself

1, Set goal in writing

Writing is like a contract that you set for yourself when you are no confident that you can’t do such a thing that your dream or your dream has to be, everyone sometimes afraid that they can’t get what they want Especially when they don’t trust yourself, this is the thing that we use for apply for the person who cares less for the goal it will work if we writing it in the paper, Writing is one of all the method that can make you feel like you did something because when you write it will make you think you want to do something and the thing that you need to do.

2, Know your passions:

Use your passions to produce more productivity by doing what you want to achieve your goal(ex: learn English you can learn it by watching movies or listen to music), Use your dreams and think about the hearts you want and you will enjoy doing to achieve your goals.

3, Set small goals on the way to go

Rome was not created in a single day, nor were we to achieve great health goals in the short term. So what should we do? We can start setting small goals first.

Those small goals will give you the motivation to take small steps every time you encounter them.

If you have a big health goal, break it down into smaller steps.

Smaller goals can be achieved with small, consistent steps, such as trying to walk for 30 minutes a day or drinking eight glasses of water a day. These may not seem like much, but in the long run, from day to day, week to week, and from month to month, those small steps can be a big change that allows you to achieve your goals. Keep in shape even more amazing.

3, Know your strengths and weaknesses:

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will allow you to set goals in life that do not exceed your own potential. It means you have your goal that is suitable for you to make it happen. if this your goal point on strengths it may make you really want to make it happen.

4, Tell someone, or a person who you trust and confidence

 I have told my friend What is my goal, And you know what? My friend firmly believes I’m going to do it.

Making yourself responsible to your friends and family is one of all the simplest ways to achieve your goals. Sure, it’s uncomfortable to share your story or your goal. But after you do, you’re going to get recommendations from friends who have experienced the same and they’ll get your mind back on the right track. And once you tell them about the small thing you have reached, you are going to induce admiration from your friend or the one that you told. It’s the simplest way for you to push yourself if you’re feeling that you simply can’t do it, You need to get it. Because everyone will stay to see you succeed what you’ve told them.

5, Set a goal and read it every day 

Reading makes you realize that you have something that you need to do unless you don’t do it, it also reminds you that you have a goal that you set, it’s may make you feel guilty for your goal or something.

6, Commit to yourself

There’s only one person to do such a goal, are You? You’re the one who has to put the hours in at the class for the ranking. You’re the one who needs to stay late all night to finish that task or assignment for your score so you can rank what you want. You’re the only one receiving what you did all the time. It’s all on you. Try to do it for yourself and it will eventually come back to you for your step goal. Many people abandon goals because they just don’t have a commitment to themselves.

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