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[KIT] How to stay positive thinking?

Many people can’t stay positive if there is a negative thing that comes into their minds. This will affect the flow of positive thinking for this situation. Perception also the part to generate positive thinking. Fort example in my mind gun is the negative thing. And other people their perception may be positive about guns.

Let’s talk about real-world problems.

I see the gun on the police suit my mind will tell something or come into my mind that “stay away from the police it’s dangerous, don’t mess with him”. But the perception of the police is that” I have a gun so I can’t protect my people with this one”.another thing is complicated thinking, if you think too much it will come negative thinking also. Your brain will give you the bad side of all the things and then the negative package will install on your mind and become stress. 

This is how your mind becomes negative, So we have to do something to avoid this situation.

1. Think it easy

Don’t put pressure on yourself too much. Think about something in an easy way. Your brain will generate dopamine and become positive early.

2. Change perception

Like I said on the top. Perception also makes you think about the negative side. So in this try to make the negative become positive. For example, the gun is negative then change it into a gun that is positive. It can protect you from any emergency situation.

3. Stay with a positive person

When your friend or your family is the positive people they can take you into a positive place. Retain them as in the advance you are holding the gold in this situation. Listen to them and be happy.don’t forget to stay away from a negative person also

4. Try to find the root cause

When you see something happened in a bad way. Do you have to analyze the root cause of why it happened like that? How? Why did he/she do like that? For example, the traffic light is red. Why it is red? Because it’s time to lets another side of the road has the travel too. This world isn’t yours. It is for everyone. 

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