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[KIT]How to play any marksman in Mobile Legend

[kIT] There are three kinds of marksman, so let’s categorize them first. The one that solely relies on raw damage such as Granger and Yi Sun-Shin. For this kind of marksman, you should mainly focus on more attack power. Therefore, you should build them Blade of Despair and Endless Battle as soon as possible. And then in the late game, build them Malefic Roar.

The ones that rely on attack speed and passive abilities such as Claude, Karrie, and Wanwan. These are the only marksmen that you should ever consider building Demon Hunter Sword and Golden Staff.

As for the rest of the marksman, you should build them with critical items. But there are two ways to build them. The ones that have a dash skill should build Scarlet Phantom and the ones that don’t, it’s better to build them Windtalker for the extra mobility. Never forget to build them Berserker Fury for these kinds of marksmen, because without that item, you marksman would deal a lot less damage. In the very late game, you can replace the attack jungle item for Malefic Roar for that extra damage.

And as a rule of thumb for any marksman, it is a good idea to always build at least one defensive item for the late game such as Queen’s Wings, Immobility, Wind of Nature. And if the enemy’s main damage dealer is a mage, then Athena’s Shield is also a great defensive item for the late game.

At the start of the game, after taking the red buff, it is a good idea to go to the bottom lane instead of going back to the middle lane right away, because this way you can get more farm from the jungle and crab and potentially get a kill from the enemy’s side laner. It would nice if at least either the tank or support would have followed you. It would have been a guaranteed kill on the enemy’s side later. When you are playing a marksman, usually you would have a disadvantage in the early game, especially if you are facing many great early game heroes such as Valir, Esmeralda, and Khufu. In that case, just be patient and keep farming until you get one or two core items. Once you get those items, your damage will scale like crazy.

If looking at the map, a team fight is about to break out, so in a case like this, the tank should be ready to engage in a fight, so you’re better to inform your tank. Without a tank during the team fight, it is a battle we lost before it even started. Remember, positioning is one of the most important things to remember when you are playing marksman. Once you see that the enemy

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