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[KIT] How to make your trip special

Now a days, it is very easy to go to travel because of the globalization. However, we are sometime feel difficult to think about how we make our trip special, unforgettable and great. It is good just going to destination with your plan but I think there are some tips to make your trip more special.

Use an app

When we go to travel abroad, the most challenging part is language. It is not a problem if you can speak English or local language in the region but if you can not speak any foreign language, you need to prepare for it. We can write some phrases that might necessary to communicate with locals in trip and we can use the guidebook but now it is good to use smartphone. It is good to use especially online app because we can use Wi-fi in most of airport. However, there are some region that does not provide Wi-fi. So in case of this situation, we can use offline apps. For the translate app, Google translate is good for you. Also, MAPS. ME is useful for you. There are many useful apps for you. So please check it.

Make friends in the destination

There are some tourists who love travel, make friends in the destination and contact with them. These days, there are many communities on social media. So there are many ways to join in the community of tourist and it will make your trip special. For example, you can take photo with them or sharing your information when you find good hotels or restaurants. If you get close friends with locals, you might get information that only locals know. You might get good opportunity to enjoy your trip more and know about the country more. 

Find your favorite souvenir

One of the exciting time in your trip is choosing souvenir. There are food which you can only eat in the region, traditional products and special goods that is designed only in the region. Your family and friends will be happy to get some premium souvenir. In addition, it is good for you to buy souvenir for yourself. These Days, we can get souvenir on online netshop but I recommend to choose souvenir in the destination. You can find some special goods on local places. Also, it is important to take photos in your destination. When you remember memory of your travel, these photos will give you excitement.

Get experience

There are so much demands for the originality experience in the trip. For example, we can experience surprising event in restaurant or hotels. Also there are many tours that are secret or surprising tour. 

Moreover, you can experience some activities such as learning instruments, studying languages and active learning class. In your good opportunity to experience which you want to. Yoga is also very good activity because it is good for your relaxation.    Not only you travel for experience to travel but also you aim to experience what you are interested in. It will be an unforgettable experience for you

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