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[KIT] How to learn multiple languages (resources included)

Languages are used to communicate with one another person all over the world. Knowing more than one or two languages would be an advantage in today’s society. Besides their native language, people mostly learn Spanish, Chinese, Japanese or German. Meanwhile in Cambodia, although our mother tongue language is Khmer, families usually enroll their kids in the early ages for English or Chinese classes. But, if you happen to find this article on one of your quarantine days because you want to pick up new languages to kill time or boredom by yourself, stay and read until the end.

Items that you would need are a pen according to your usual usage and any type of notebook that you like. The key to master all the languages is to keep PRACTICING all over again, every single day. Especially before you start learning a new lesson and after learning it daily. More importantly, you need to have a specific schedule and time for your self languages class and keep it consistent. While you are learning, make sure that you are in your comfortable, quiet, and usual environment that can keep your focus and pay full attention to your study. A cup of tea or coffee would also be a plus to help you to concentrate, or at the same time, listening to soft beat or relaxing music to your preferences. 

Why do I need to learn these languages? Because knowledge will never betray you. Also, the more you know, the better it is. Don’t hesitate to pick something new and read this article to help you as the starters.

What if you want to learn multiple languages by yourself at the same time? Is it possible to do this? THE ANSWER IS YES! Although the progress might be slower or faster compared to others, remember that everyone is walking at different paces. Do not give up and keep reading, writing, and keep testing yourself by doing quizzes. Below are the resources that I found to be good and easy to learn from my perspective.

1. Japanese: for this language, it’s always recommended to start from hiragana first. Kana From Zero is a good book for those who want to learn hiragana and katakana. Real Real Japanese is a book for you to practice your reading after you have learned your characters and vocabulary and practice speaking from the book to get comfortable with the language. Duolingo is a great app to keep testing yourself or reviewing what you’ve learned and it’s very easy to use. Lingodeer is also a similar app that focuses on Asian languages. Don’t forget to try them out.

2. Korean: MasterTOPIK and Talk To Me In Korean are my go-to channel on YouTube. You can also buy Talk To Me In Korean book series to help if you need a book to learn. There is an app called memrise which is easy to learn new vocabulary. HOWEVER, don’t forget to practice speaking your Korean too.

3. Spanish: I think Spanish sounds really classic and elegant when speaking so that’s why I started learning Spanish. Duolingo is also good to use for learning Spanish vocabulary and its pronunciation. I would recommend using Complete Spanish as your guided book as I found it to be the easiest to learn Spanish from.

Listening to music and watching movies with the language that you are learning would also be a great help to improve your progress. Try to speak and read as much as possible so that you will get used to the language. You can find all the textbooks on Amazon and the prices are affordable.

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