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[KIT] How to make your face become smooth and clear like a crystal ?

Everybody, Dream is to have clear skin with no acne or scar. Today I have some tips for you to reach your goal with 5 easy steps that you need to practice everyday.

          Wash your face 3 times a day.
Your face needs to be washed everyday because it faces many things such as dirt , Polluted environment, and the sunlight. If you do not clean your face probably it will stay on your face and it will come together and it will create acne and make your face damage.


              Using sunscreen

Sunscreen is very important for your skin. It protects your skin from the sunlight that can damage your skin and it can develop skin cancer. So sunscreen also plays an important role to protect your skin from the dirt and the environment outside it act as the layer. Moreover, it also delays our skin to age faster.


             Using the product that have the license

Many products are produced everyday and sometimes we do not know where it comes from so it is very dangerous for our skin. It can lead our skin to become worse and it can become cancer. Using the product that does not have a brand name or showing you the ingredient is very risky for you to try because you only have one face and do not try random products. Some products are mixed with chemicals that can damage your skin so beware of using random products.

            Not all products are made from nature are safe

Most people think that if we mix all the leaf , vegetable , lemon , green tea and lemon just mix it and apply it on your skin. It is okay, However, it is not. Because it requires a limit to use the skin type and the amount of each ingredient if we use as much as we want we will get allergic from that product. Moreover, for sensitive skin if you use the natural product it can be dangerous, your face will become more sensitive or it will become red and hard to get recovery back from the mistake that you put one your skin.

Image result for Not all products are made from nature are safe


     Get enough sleep and drink enough water

Sleep is not only good for your health it also good for your skin. When you get enough sleep your skin can rest and it can boost collagen in your body when you sleep. And for water it have the role to bring out the toxins from inside you body to get out so all the toxic is made your skin dark and also create the acnes so drink water from 2 to 3 liters make your skin be a day can help your skin to gave enough water and make your skin become smooth as your wish.

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