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[KIT]How to play League of Legends

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League of Legends is one of the most popular games on the planet. It is a game which was made by Riot games company in 2009. It is a 5 vs 5 team based strategy game in which every player can pick a unique champion with different abilities to compete with each other to win. This game is one of the games that make E-sport what it is today. It held the biggest game competition in the history of E-sport where it takes place in a football stadium and of course many people attended the competition. To play this game you must understand the fundamentals elements of the game such as objective, strategy, teamworks, champion selections, etc … . There are a few steps to learn before playing the game. There are some important things to understand first. It is the objective of the game. The players are divided into 2 teams red and blue on opposite sides of the map. Each side or base has a Nexus or base which is the main objective of the game. Either side tries to destroy the Nexus to win the game. Next, each side has 3 lanes which have 3 towers along the way and an inhibitor in front of the base which allow the opponent minions to become bigger if being destroyed. Between the lanes, there is jungle where champions can farm for dragon, monster, buff to strengthen their champion and get gold. There are minion waves on those 3 lanes for players to farm for gold which then could be used for purchasing items. The more items you got the stronger the champion will be. First, you must pick a champion which suited you the most. There are different roles such as jungler, range laner, top duelist, tank, support. You have to consider these roles before picking the champion. Tanks are the hard skin, beefy champion which could soak up a lot of damage and carry the squishy range laner or ADC in the early game. Junglers are the champions which farm in the jungle and try to sneak behind the enemy lakers for kills and gold. ADCs are ranged champions which are based on attack damage only and strong in the late game. APCs are the opposite, they are the ones which are based on ability damage. Top laners or duelists are the champions which are good with one on one duel and usually playing alone exclude from others in the top lane. And supporters are the champions which roam around to help others champions. These are only some of the information about the game and champions. Here are the tips of winning the game. You have to have a tank, a jungler, a top laner, a support, an APC or ADC. You should focus on farming and taking control of the minion on the lane. Try to poke or trade damage when you have more minions on the lane. Try push the tower for plating so you can get additional gold. Keep repeating this until mid and late game. You should be roaming around with the team and only split push when you have to. Try to take the dragon and baron for additional bonus for the team.

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