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[KIT] 10 Keys to be successful

A success is everyone’s goal, they wish to be successful one day. However, success is not what anyone can achieve, there needs to be some keys and techniques in order to successfully achieve it. Here are 10 keys to success that you should follow.

  • Ask questions: People who ask a lot of questions learn more than people who act like they know everything. Be the bottle with half of water that cannot be filled. This way, you can always learn new things, gain new knowledge and improve yourself for the better.
Source: https://pixabay.com/
  • Be honest with yourself and with others: It is important to be honest with yourself first. You cannot lie to yourself, it might motivate you for some time, but it will not help you improve to reach your future goal. 
Source: https://pixabay.com/
  • Listen: Most of the successful people are good listeners. They listen more than they speak, they learn a lot from their listening. Successful people do not like to talk much, but they do like to listen to everyone, to people from different places who have different perspectives, so that they can know more about things that they do not already know out there.
Source: https://pixabay.com/
  • Communication: Be a good listener, and a good communicator. Always ask questions for clarification, never assume something that you are not sure of. It might be a risk if you assume something that you do not know.
Source: https://pixabay.com/
  • Apply the concept of Say/Do: Whatever you promise that you would do, do it, do not leave it out. It is very important to do what you say, because you can be confident that whatever you say is done by you.
Source: https://pixabay.com/
  • Be responsible: It is very important to admit your mistakes, apologize immediately and learn from your mistakes. Always be responsible for what you do, whatever you are doing, the result is under your responsibility even if it is good or bad.
Source: https://pixabay.com/
  • Keep it Simple: Use simple words and ways when it comes to communication in order to avoid confusion.
Source: https://pixabay.com/
  • Be prepared: Always be prepared for anytime. Do a lot of research, find good questions or solutions to the problems that might occur. Always have backup plans for what you are doing. Have plan A to Z, if plan A does not work, try implementing plan B. If plan B does not work, try implementing plan C. If plan C does not work, there are 26 alphabets in English letters, you can try every plan that exists untils it works.
Source: https://pixabay.com/
  • Follow Up: Always follow up with your process, use the 3 W’s – What, Who and When to clarify the actions that need to be taken next.
Source: https://pixabay.com/
  • Work hard: You can apply anything, but without working hard, your success might be a long way for you to take. Having only plans without taking any action is like you have all of the ingredients but you cannot cook. It is a very important part that you have to focus hard on, because you will be successful only if you take action. 
Source: https://pixabay.com/

These are the 10 keys of success that you should practice if you want to be successful in some days. The success will be a long way, but you might get it faster if you practice the mentioned keys.

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