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[KIT] How social media work on Tourism and Hospitality Management?

Social media is the most important thing for everyone currently. And also in the Tourism and Hospitality industry there is a need to develop this sector for customer and application.  Social media and Web 2.0 are two popular changes in business to business communication, business to customer communication, and customer to customer communication. It can share information by means of social media and have made substantial changes in information. 

Social media being one of the two trends can impact the tourism system. Social media have been widely used to search, organize, share, and experience through the social media, the capacity of social media can help companies to engage potential guests, increase their online and lead to greater online that is useful for managing customer relations with their unique ability.  The traveler can know the information about the place or any information through blogs and microblogs, online communities like Facebook, RenRen, and TripAdvisor and other tools. In addition, social media can share photos, videos, and other academics that help tourism and hospitality companies and provide opportunities to understand and respond to customers preferences by analyzing comments on online communication. This article assesses the literature on social media applications of tourism and hospitality from the customers’ perspective by looking at the travel planning process including promotion, production distribution, communication, management, and research. Moreover, the tourism and hospitality industry still have issues that have not been addressed in the literature. The important issue is the lack of direct experience with tourism products, and the benefits can hardly be evaluated before the product is consumed. There are some types of content that can be unreliable because it may be posted by someone with a vested interest or commercial self-interest. For example, eWom doesn’t have clear information for applications and travelers to research what they needed. 

In conclusion, social media is really helpful for the tourism system to develop their companies by using social media like blogs and microblogs. Social media is the most important thing for those companies for advertising their products and services to customers successfully. 

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