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[KIT]How to play Pokemon.

Many people may know the word “Pokemon” and most of them would say Pikachu, the lightning rat pokemon. But most of them do not know what pokemon is all about, especially the game based on the series. In this article, we will guide you on how to play pokemon games properly so you could enjoy the wonderful experience and story line this game has to offer.


For people who are playing the game just to see the pokemon in action or to capture them all like in the anime is fun but you are missing out on all the story of the game. Through the dialog, you will be able to understand parts of the story in-game, some dialogs between characters provide us with hints of the mission that we have to complete in order to get to the next stage of the game. Sometimes the dialog may lead players to explore the mini-games provided in the game that is both amusing and fun, like a change in the environment plus it will provide us with cool rewards after you complete them. If you prefer to skip out on the dialog, which is fine but you are missing out on the cool storyline and you will waste your time trying to find the next objective of the game. So for those who do this, I would recommend you to go through the story-line and find the difference between the two.

Choosing the right Pokemon

In the pokemon world there various types of pokemon with different typings. Throughout the game, you will have to battle other trainers, and they will have pokemon of different types. Without a proper counter to the specific type, you will sure to run into issues such as losing the battle or spending too much time battling. In addition, for each major region, there will gym where you have to battles gym leaders to get their badge and proceed to the next level of the game. With a proper team of pokemon of countered typing to opponent’s team, the battle will not last long and the chance of you winning is almost 100 percent. Before building the team, you should think of the typings that are suitable to counter other trainers and gym leaders.


Items are one of the most important factors that contribute to your victory, as they provide enhancement to your pokemon making them stronger and fast. There are many items in pokemon games, but some of them have useless effects while others are useful. In the game, we have type boosting items, where it will enhance the power of the move of the particular type. Another type of item is stats boosting item, where if equip them they will give a boost to a particular attribute such as an attack, special attack, defense, special defense, or speed. While some other items can provide a healing effect for your pokemon after each move was made on both sides. Finally, we have the berries and items that can cure all kinds of effects and heal your pokemon. If you manage to use these items effectively, then surely enough you will beat the game with a breeze.

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