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[KIT] Why Learning English so important

Nowadays, More and more people are learning English as a second language. Many countries include English in their school syllabus because they think that the English language is very important for many things such as doing business, Can help you get a job and also can help us to meet new people around the world. 

Exactly, learning English is very important for people because as we know that English is a global language. One more thing, studying English can help you get a job because when you are good at the English language you can have good communication with people around the world. One more thing, if you are good at English you will improve your research skills because currently most social media are posted in English word and also every tool that uses technology are written in English such as smartphone, computer, Ipad. As well as that, Learning English can help you meet new people because English is the official language of 53 countries, so when you can speak English you will have a conversation with people from all over the world. Not only this but Travelling is a lot easier with a good knowledge of English because when you want to travel to some country on your own without a guide it will be a great experience. In addition, English gives you access to multiple cultures. That is why I said this because as we can see, good knowledge of English will allow us to access films, music, and literature from hundreds of countries around the globe. One more thing, English will help you to understand clearly about multiple cultures because when you come to visit some cultural side destinations or guide you in English word sometimes, it will make us easy to understand. One more thing, if you are good at English you will accomplish your goal because you will be able to research more about digital marketing, business model, and also technical strategy. Most of this strategy has been described in the English language. Furthermore, when you are good at English you can study all over the world because many countries are using English as a second language. You will have good communication with classmates and teachers by using this language and you will don’t feel alone. Last but not least, speaking English gives you access to a World of Entertainment because many of the world’s top films, books, and music are published and produced in English. If you speak English, you won’t need to rely on translations and subtitles anymore to enjoy your favorite book, song, films, and TV shows. 

Although learning English can be challenging, we can see that it is also very valuable to learn and can create many opportunities such as business, your own startup, studying and culture. English is a global language and also the most common language so, you we can speak English or understand english it’s will be a great opportunity for everyone to success in your life. 

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