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[KIT]Best 3 websites to start learning c++ programming

Nowadays programming plays an important role. It can solve many problems by just implementing the program. It saves a lot of time. There are many programming languages such as c, c++, python java and much more, but c++ is a good language which works fast and easy to write. There are many websites where you can start learning c++ programming language and below I have 3 websites to recommend for you to start your learning journey in c++.

1.website name
There are three websites:

  • https://www.w3schools.com/: is a popular website one for beginners. This website uses simple words to explain and simple examples which are directly straight to the point. It saves a lot of time if you learn c++ through this website. It has many tutorials in programming with different languages.
  • https://www.tutorialspoint.com/index.htm: is also a famous website, in there you can find many courses with many languages. It is a deep explanation and especially for people who need an advanced programming language course.
  • https://www.javatpoint.com/: it is a good website as like above two websites. It is good to start learning c++ on this website. In this website, It explains clearly with a proper diagram. You will be satisfied once you land into this website.

2. why they are special

These three websites (w3schools, tutorialspoint, javatpoint) will give you a wonderful learning experience. It demonstrates step by step that you can easily catch up even if you thought it was difficult before. You can proceed to learn any programming language as you wish anytime when you finish your c++ course. These websites show you surely the purpose of each programming language with disadvantages and advantages. You can test your understanding by taking the test on these websites when you finish learning each concept of c++ or other programming language. And don’t worry if you cannot understand because there is a discussion where you can post your question or ask an expert your doubts. Beside that it has a project which relates to what you have learned from these websites. It helps you in improving your problem solving by using your programming language skill to solve all those problems. There is an interview question, you prepare yourself for applying to the job that needs your skill.

3. Start learning
Once you know what you want to learn, then you are good to go. No need to prepare much, you just go through what the website has already arranged for you to learn. You will see the outcome and it is efficient. My advice is don’t stress yourself out, just be happy in learning. I know sometimes it is hard to catch up but if you will never give up, then you still can understand the concepts.

I hope you enjoy this article and it is just my recommendation on what I have experienced. If you have any questions or you think there are more good websites to start learning programming language especially c++ programming language, feel free to show your opinion via my email meng.lavy19@kit.edu.kh.

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