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[KIT] 6 recommended tips to deal with stress

Every single day, people are living with stress, and sure enough, no one is ever without any stress. According to a psychological study, Stress is the human response to excessive demands, which disturb physiological, social, and psychological systems. But in a normal term, Stress is the body’s reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses, based on research done by the University of Regina.

There is good and bad stress. Good stress pushes you to get out of your comfort zone and motivates you to become a tough cookie. But it doesn’t last long. Eventually, it will become bad stress and you will receive negative impacts on your mental and physical.

Here are some of the things that you can do to deal with it:

  1. Be thankful:
    When you are awake in the morning, start thinking about what you have that cater to your needs and be thankful that you have them. Learn to see and look for things that you have right now, instead of thinking about what you don’t have and others do, which will cause you more stress. If you are being thankful and appreciated, you will feel contented and happier.
  2. Write journal/ diary:
    At the end of the day, sit in your comfortable place and position, light a candle, have a cup of coffee or your favorite tea, and write down all the emotions, feelings, achievements, and regrets that you have gone through for the whole day. Doing this for a month, you will see that you have improved and your stress is lessened. You will get to see how your regrets become lesser, more achievements, and able to control your emotion. Then, you will start to see the world as a better place and more positively.
  3. Meditation/Yoga:
    Doing exercise regularly can help you to control your feelings better and think more deeply. You will get the chance to think and settle on what your mind has been arguing about and kill the little monsters inside your head. Therefore, you are now calmer and might also be able to make the decision more accurately and perfectly.

  4. Get enough sleep:
    When you get enough sleep, your mind is more stable. You are also not very moody and wake up fresh. Ready to start a new day with hope and without negativity.
  5. Seek social support:
    When things get rough and you cannot handle them anymore, go to someone whom you totally trust, be it your friends or your parents, and even a counselor. Talk about your burden, what is keeping you stressed, look for a root cause and try to get out of it. Sometimes, a lot can be taken out with just talking and having someone to listen to your stories. Never ever hesitate to ask for help, it’s always good to do so.
  6. Change your mindset
    Accept that some things can’t be changed, and no matter how hard you try, the results will be still the same. No need to stress too much about it and let it go. Focus on what’s more to come in the future and get ready for it.

Remember that stress is a really normal thing that is always a part of your life. As mention above, good stress will help you to improve and work harder so make sure you won’t be so hard on yourself. Seek emotional support and speak out.

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