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[KIT]Why should we visit other country?


As an asia people, especially in Cambodia mostly our culture is working and working without caring about holiday or family times.Life should be more happy and enjoyable. Travel as much as you can.Once in our entire life we should visit Europe once due to several reasons:

– to see the different perspectives from asia life: Normally living in just the same place will not make you know different things. Even though we are from the same earth but different corners of the world so we have many different things and different perspectives.

-to Learn about new culture: As i mentioned before, we are from different backgrounds and countries. The way people live is also different. European people also have a different culture from us. Normally whenever people planning to visit somewhere they will learn about those country culture before head to make it easy for them to adapt.Furthermore, even you haven’t prepare before going there, you will learn once you there.How those citizens like to do and how should we communicate with them in the proper and normal way.

– Learn a new language: By going to new places we will not know that place well, so definitely, you will struggle once you get there. Maybe there are new places and roads you can’t find. So the solution is that you will try to use those people’s language to solve those difficulties. So this is the way you learn.

_ Adaptation: Travel will increase and improve your adaptation skill. In my experience, when i went to France I usually tried to wash my clothes by myself due to my culture. We don’t want anyone to touch our clothes. But what French people think, they don’t care which type of clothes just put it in the machine and they will do it for you. The reason they want to do it for us is to save the water and save time. By facing these difficulties, it will teach us to be flexible in order to solve the problems.

_Learn about their technology: The technology is up to date very quickly so we should try to learn where they are now and where we are now? And how can we do this in order to make our country develop. And how is their citizen behavior? Do they like smoking, reading books or doing what ?

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