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[KIT] 5 things to do in the morning to make our new day more productive

  1. Get up early in the morning

Waking up early in the morning is a good habit for everyone. For example at 5:30AM or 6 AM. It really saves us the time to do something or complete something early, especially to make you feel happier and healthier.  You know? Waking up early is the most productive time because you don’t get interrupted time to yourself in the morning. We get more energy and can complete something faster after waking up from our peaceful sleep.

It’s also the best time for students to review or to catch up the lesson easily and remember faster than reviewing the lesson at night because when we get up from our bed, our brain is freshly and empty, so it’s easy to save or to catch new things. 

2. Doing exercise

Doing exercise in the morning is the good activity that we need to do. It helps us a lot especially with our mental health to make it healthier and become better. It makes you feel fresh and relax after working out. There are many ways of doing exercise such as doing yoga, jogging, running, biking, or working out at the gym etc. It can be difficult for you to find something that inspires you or to motivate you to do exercise in the morning but only that is important to push you is yourself. When you know about the benefit of doing exercise in the morning and it helps you a lot , especially your body and mental health, it’ll inspire you to wake you up from your bed and love yourself more.

It’s good recommended to those who want to lose their weight, you should prefer to work out in the morning before having your breakfast. It also gains more energy to start with your new day to be more productive. Especially don’t forget to drink a lot of water during exercise. It also provides you a better sleep at night after doing that regularly.

3. Drink more water

Drinking water in the morning got more benefits than you think. The first thing that you should do after waking up from your bed is drink water with an empty stomach. Drinking water before and after brushing your teeth have its own benefits. 

Drinking water before brushing, it’ll clean out your mouth. When you make a habit of drinking water before brushing your teeth, you may notice that your health is changing and it helps to avoid some illnesses such as cold, fever, cough etc. 

The benefits of drinking water in the morning that will keep you healthy and going strong all day. 

4. Eat breakfast

Having breakfast is the best meal time of the day and so important that we shouldn’t skip it because as you know, we have a sleep time around 7-8 hours already, so your stomach might be so hungry. So, if we don’t have breakfast and wait until lunch time, it might affect your stomach as well and your stomach will get hurt. 

Eating breakfast boosts your energy and your brainpower. Your brain might receive the energy to go through with the day and can easily focus on things. If you don’t have your breakfast, it’ll affect your ability to think because you might get a headache and can’t catch up on anything at all.

5. Think positive and go through with your plan

Thinking positive is really important for everyone because it’s the beginning of the new day, so to make our new day to be more productive, you have to think more positively and it makes your mental health become healthier. 

After doing some activities like preparing your bed, doing exercise, having breakfast..etc then you start to do your work and try to finish it through your day plan. It might help you to make your new day become shining and fresh.

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