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[KIT] 6 best crowdfunding websites for you to keep an eye on

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If you came across this article, it’s likely that you don’t know what crowdfunding platforms you should use for your business or project.

If you have no plans to start a project but still want to support your project of interest, you’re in the right place! Below are 7 best crowdfunding websites for you to look into!


One of the most well-known crowdfunding services out there. They started in 2009 and has raised more than $5 billion for 189,000+ projects!

Another characteristic is that it’s all or nothing platform. Meaning, if you were not able to achieve your set goal, you will lose all the funds you’ve got. The fee is 5% on top of processing payment charges.


This platform is similar to Kickstarter, but the difference is that they don’t exclusively have all or nothing model of fundraising. Then what models are there on Indiegogo?

There’s fixed and flexible. Flexible type is where you can receive your fund whether or not you have reached your goal. The minimum goal for both types of fundraising is $500. If you meet your goal, there’s a fee of 5% and on top of that, a processing fee of 3% and 30 cents for the transaction.


This platform focuses on social, political, and cultural issues. It is great for non-profit organizations to build a donor community without large costs.

On causes, you can find people with similar interests by looking at all the different categories. It’s a combination of crowdfunding and social networking. Are you an individual interested in social issues? Of course, you can post projects as an individual as well.


Patreon is a great platform for digital creatives such as YouTubers, podcasters, and bloggers. If you are a creator, you can form relationships with your fans. Patreon has a subscription model, so your fans will be paying monthly. Do make sure you keep sharing your works regularly. Your fans will cancel the subscription if you are not active.


It is often used for emergencies or charitable causes, but businesses can make use of this platform as well. It’s not an all or nothing model, so you can keep all that you have got.

GoFundMe has a lot of successful campaigns, but keep in mind that actually only one every ten projects get fully funded.

Lending Club

This is debt-type crowdfunding. It provides personal and business loans. It’s easy to qualify for and much faster than getting a loan from a bank.

At lending club, you get a loan with a 3 year or 5 year term. Interest rates depend on your credit score. You should be in good financial health to get qualified.

Was there any new services that interested you? Were you able to find the right one?

There are tons of services that will help with your crowdfunding – including us! So find the one that best fits your needs and start your crowdfunding project now!

If you have any questions about our crowdfunding service, feel free to contact us on Instagram / Twitter / Official Website!

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