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[KIT] To Build Strong Relationship…


When we are saying about the relationship the first that we think is about couple people who love each other. But the relationship has widely meaning and more than love relationship. It can be relationship with friend, family, and other types of people. It can be relationship also. So, we will talking about how to build or keep a strong relationship. There are many tips to build it depend on the situation and people.

Accept And Celebrate Differences
The first thing that we should do is to accept and happy with people’s different. Recognize whatever they have even it is bad or good. We can take time to understand and know each other. It is very important with someone affect to our life if we can not accept and happy with them. Instead of being judge on someone we should open our mind to speak and listen to them first. Because many people misunderstand on someone by judging before talk to each other.

Listen Effectively
Listen is the way to show our attention to the people who speak and make them feel like they have any support for speaking. Because when someone talk and we listen it is a way to have a good connection. It is show that they accept to each other. Because everything is start from the communication by speaking and listening. Relationship can not start without communication.

Give People Time
In order to make a good relationship, choosing a person is very important. But more important than this is to take the time for knowing each other. Because each people already have unique for themself that require us to understand and recognize. Even the perception, behavior, and the way the thinking. It such the thing that we should talk time on it. It is base on the relationship that we want to make. If we want to strike on it because it maybe your boyfriend or girlfriend. Okay, it should be longer is better.

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