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Recent Snapchat update which include many features – why brands should take note of these features in rising social media platform,snapchat.

By Mike Lim – Web Analytics Master

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Image Credit: www.snapchat.com

Snapchat recently announced a major update to their messaging interface, which Snapchat themselves have labelled “Chat 2.0”. The update includes a range of new features including:

  • The ability to make phone calls via Snapchat
  • The ability to conduct video calls on Snapchat without holding a finger on the screen
  • The ability to respond to a video chat via text
  • The option to minimize your video chat window to share in a more chat-like format
  • The ability to send emoji-like stickers in a chat (with more than 200 stickers available)
  • A new option to film and create your own GIF to share in a chat
  • The ability to send short audio notes in a chat


Image Credit: www.snapchat.com

As you can see, the breadth of additions is pretty wide, adding a heap of new elements to one of the most popular apps in the world right now. That popularity is particularly high amongst younger users – Snapchat claims that “More than 60% of U.S. 13 to 34 year-old smartphone users are Snapchatters”, making up a large portion of the app’s more than 100 million daily active users.

The app’s seen huge growth, largely due to its ability to stay ahead of the curve and continually deliver new and exciting options for their audience, many of which have then gone on to be adopted by bigger platforms. If Snapchat can continue to innovate and stay ahead of the game, expect it to remain an important part of the social landscape for many years to come.

The bigger question, however, is whether Snapchat can grow up with its audience and remain a relevant platform as those younger users transition into the next stages of their lives. The important element to note here is habitual behaviour – Snapchat’s becoming a habit, something that users check and interact with everyday. As it becomes more integrated into their interactive process, it gets more ‘sticky’, more likely to hang around and become a relied upon connection tool. Additions like these only underline Snapchat’s capacity – ignore the platform at your own risk.

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