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Self-study time required for our seminars

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Here are some statistics on time spent on studying before participating in our training courses. These figures do not include time spent with the instructor.



In general, most participants tend to spend about 4 to 8 hours studying outside of the course. Some participants dedicate 9 to 16 hours whereas there are some reporting 1 to 3 hours of self-study time. We have also seen participants spending more than 25 hours in self-learning activities outside of classroom training time.

Participants enrolled in this course are required to read a book beforehand and this is where most of the 4 to 8 hours reported in average are applied to self-studying. Depending on the level of fascination generated at first glance, some participants dedicate more time to the book. They re-read concepts to further understand specifics of the topics proposed and this is where we have observed the 9 to 16 hours dedicated to further improvements in learning. The rest of the other times observed stem out of the further interest invested on a particular basis.

Please take these figures in perspective of your own standing when considering the beginner level course.


In this level we observe similar self-study times as in the beginner course. Some people are in the 4 to 8-hour range, whereas some fall in the 9 to 16-hour range. We have also seen much longer times with 17 to 24 hours and beyond this up to 36 hours.

With the curriculum update of 2014 we have made a completion report a mandatory requirement of the course. This is where we see the time fluctuations allocated to time spent outside of the classroom which are directly connected to the kind of approach participants put in the making of their reports.


While the average of 4 to 8 hours spent in studying outside of the classroom is reported, people in general tend to spend more than 17 hours in self-study activities. At this level it is normal to see participants spending more than 81 hours in self-study activities.

This level requires the most time and we really don’t see time as being a mandatory requirement to accomplish any goals. At the master level, our participants become passionate about having the opportunity to teach others and time spent outside of the classroom is not measurable in units. Time is, in reality, measured by the sense of further accomplishment that can only be achieved by investing the right effort required to get there.

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