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[KIT] Top 7 Tips To Avoid Being Lazy Sharing

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/melancholic-woman-watching-video-on-laptop-at-home-3808012/

Most people are struggling to fight with themself about being lazy. Everything in this happened always has the reason. If you find out that your self has been recruited into the Allie of a lazy warrior, you have to revise yourself back quickly before you become one of the useless people. So I have some tips to avoid being lazy, let start together:

1. Set your Goal

If you being lazy means that you haven’t a clear goal set in your mind. If you don’t believe me yeah challenge me. You have to answer my question :

  • What is your goal this year and another 5 years?
  • What do you live for? 
  • Do have unlimited money? 
  • What is your dream?

In this case, if you can’t answer this question. It is time to force yourself to create life planning.

2. Create a habit

Habit comes from the activity that you repeat again and again. Let us challenge ourselves for a week to do a thing that we are really lazy to do. After a week you will find out that “Uhhhhh it is my habit”. This time you can’t control yourself anymore.

3. Stay with your boss, adviser, or teacher

This time we use the hard method to force ourselves to stop being lazy. Imagine when you stay with them. You will not run to sleep right? This because your brain has been set the mindset of warming! Yep if you want to stay lazy in front of your boss, it doesn’t matter just get a fire letter or warning letter. Isn’t it?

4. Passion Passion

Do something that comes up from your mind. It will bring you enjoyment even while you work on it. Repeat this activity, again and again, you will come out from a lazy zone and move to another task.

5. Find the opportunity

Sometimes maybe you haven’t something to do and then you think that “This world is empty”. Actually, there are tons of problems waiting for you to solve. So get up from your bed and go to find the opportunity through social media and community.

6. Stay away from the useless person

Laziness is like a virus. it passes from one person to another person. When you see someone being lazy please try to avoid them. If you don’t want to be like them. Or you can advise them not to be lazy anymore.

7. Make yourself busy

Accept tons of tasks and prepare the time management for it. This will be a big challenge for you, but you will earn the achievement after that also. The more you do the more you get it. 

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