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5th Google Analytics Real Case Study Group

Happy to hold 5th Google Analytics Case Study Group.

On 17th November, we had 5th Google Analytics Case Study Group.
This time, we analyzed a resort accommodation website in South Africa.
We keep supporting WACA certified participants after they took WACA courses like this case study group.
3.5 hours past so rapidly.
We took 75 minutes for analyzing the website.
A lot of actionable proposals came out.

By the way, do you know PDCA cycle?

Do you know PDCA cycle?
PDCA cycle is core concept of web analytics.
Let me list what is PDCA.
P(Plan): Plan new solution to problems
D(Do): Execute the plan you set to problems
C(Check): Check the result after you execute the plan
A(Act): Counteract if your plan was wrong

Yes. We can find many problems on our websites by Google Analytics.
However, to find problems is one thing,to solve them is another.
Web analytics must create analytical culture in companies, which means they need to keep tracking the effects of their proposals and achieve business goals.
Till they achieve business goals, web analysts must continue PDCA.
Since if they cannot help business, your efforts are evaluated as nothing.
Please make sure to rotate PDCA cycle till business achieves goals.
PDCA cycle is the core of web analytics for business success.


As a Web Analytics Master, WACA lecturer, PDCA cycle is the most important thing I would like to tell all web analysts or business people in Singapore.

Best regards,

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