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[KIT]Takeout service has started!

Takeout service has started at SakuraFe!


For lunch, you can take home the popular “meat spaghetti”. Please enjoy homemade noodles in a fragrant sauce using sweet and spicy homemade minced meat.

It is a lunch menu with many repeaters. I have already received a pre-order in this morning! Thanks you so much.


The bread menu is BLTE Sand ~ Honey Mustard Flavor ~, and you can take home Brulee Toast and Honey Cheese Toast, which have been popular since the cafe opened. Please enjoy it not only as a lunch but also as a snack.

toasted sandwich with orange jam


Drinks include coffee, latte, Tsukigase Japanese black tea, and juice.

How to oder

Please order by phone reservation, Instagram DM reservation, or visit. If you make a reservation by phone or in advance via Instagram DM, you can get it smoothly!

Our phone number
⇒ 07###44-35-3####

Instagram account
⇒ @

  • When making a DM reservation on Instagram, please let us know your name, phone number, menu, and date and time of your visit.
  • 9: 00-17: 00 (Lo.16: 00)
  • Closed on Wednesdays and Sundays

Payment method

You can use cash and visa card.

For more details….


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