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[KIT]How to get enough sleep

Sleeping is one of the most important thing that everyone need to worry about because both of your physical and mental health are depend on that. Why?

Most people said that sleep is an easy thing to do, you just have to turn off your light and close your eyes then sleep. Is it that easy? Maybe? But some people really find it hard just to fall asleep, some of them spend more than 5 hours just to fall asleep then they have to wake up early to fight with their tiring day of work, study and some fun too.

Here are some my tips that I use to do when I can not fall asleep:

Do some work out

Go to the gym or you can do some simple exercise or workout at your place, It would help to improve your health and you can build yourself a new body at the same time too. Once you get good health after doing those exercises, you will feel better and have a really good night’s sleep since you have worked very hard before you go to bed which makes you become so tired and don’t want to do anything besides sleeping.


If you are not a book worm or a reader, reading is the best way for you to fall asleep. Any book is okay, you just need to find a book then read it before you decide to go to bed but make sure that you read it under the proper light incase you can fall asleep but got eyes problems instead.

Drink a glass of warm milk

Scientists agree that drinking milk a few hours before going to bed would be a big help for you to get a good sleep because milk contains two nutrients that will help you feel good and relax then you will have a good night sleep afterwards.

Not sleeping enough will disturb your whole day’s mood and it’s not good for your health too. Mostly children and teenager should have at least 8 hours of sleeping and adult onward should have at least 6 to 7 hours of sleeping in order to prevent you from being sick so everyone please take care of your health.

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