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[KIT]Method to study AP Language and Composition course

In the AP Language and Composition course, we make use of rhetorical devices and many techniques to persuade people. After understanding the foundation of this course, I realize that many people in our society make use of rhetorical in terms of speaking or writing to persuade others and to win an argument. AP Language and Composition course isn’t something we can master in a short amount of time, because there are many rhetorics and most of the passage we learn from is based on the text from hundreds of years ago. From my experience in AP Language and Composition course, I found reading the prompt surprisingly hard since I rarely encounter an old passage from before in my previous English course. The best way to help us improve our reading skills is to read more passages together with the teacher in class so that he could help us along the way. annotating as we reading through the past also great skill in helping us reading the prompt since we were able to notice which part is important which make it easy for us while answer the multiple-choice question and writing an essay.

Most of the time we as a class find some of the old prompt hard to understand and need an assist from a teacher. During our last quit, the majority of the class is barely passed the multiple-choice exam because they don’t understand the old passage. However a few days after the quiz, the teacher decides to redo it as a class with his help that ended up with a much better result. while answer the multiple-choice questions, the teacher had explained the use of diction and rhetoric in the passage which gives a much more clear understanding of the passage. Since we’re stranged to the old passage, we don’t understand their use of diction. However, with the help of someone that much more familiar with the old passage like our teacher help us pointed out what to expect can be a great help. If we take our time into reading a more old passage with our teacher, we should be able to understand most of the old passage since we’re more familiar.

In the AP Language and Composition course; we had learned annotation, a skill that helps us recognize the important part of the passage so we can note down which makes it easier when we want to go back through the passage later while writing an essay or answering MCQ. After the teacher annotates the passage, the passage becomes easier to understand. The annotation also saves us a lot of time since we know where to look for important information. Annotation is crucial since it saves time and also made the passage much easier to understand. Throughout the unit, we only get a few lessons on annotation, to me I suggest that the teacher should teach more about annotating by directing us on what to annotate and also show how the expert annotate.

Some of you might argue that practice makes perfect; practice can help you be more familiar with the old passage. When you practice the MCQ every day, it can help you prepare and know what to expect. However, it doesn’t help you fully understanding the old passage unless you know how to analyze it first. When the teacher gave me a link to practice the MCQ, my score began to rise bit by bit, but I still don’t understand most parts of the passage. However, when I practice in class with the help from the teacher explaining the use of diction in the passage, I was able to understand much better and was able to get more correct on the MCQ. This shows that even with more practice if you don’t know how to analyze the passage you won’t achieve much from it. so the best way is to get aid from the teacher and absorb all the knowledge on how to analyze the text he shared with us.

Since we’re unfamiliar with most of the old passage, we should get help from an expert and learn from his advice on how to analyze the passage. The best way to improve in reading the old passage is to go through it together with an expert and learn how he analyzes the passage like observe how he annotate a text or how he understands the use of diction and rhetoric in the passage.

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