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[KIT] How to prepare for exams

Exam Tips

Most students want to get high scores in their exams, yet they didn’t know how to get high scores and didn’t prepare well. So as to correct their wrong attitude, students need to know the strategy clearly when they exam. Firstly 70% over 30%, students need to focus seventy percent on their lessons when they are studying at school. More focusing on what they learned, it could make them confident and sometimes they could know what would appear in their paper tests. After students spend 70% on focusing lessons, they just take 30% to remind what they used to learn. Form one day to one day their lessons always increase and they need to know all their meaning. If they focus well on previous lessons, they just remind them a little bit when the exam will come soon. Secondly practice, on one can do well if they rarely practice. All lesson students need to take action on it. For example, Math exercises, students cannot do it through looking at it; however, if they write it down on paper and trial and errors, they will be able to solve those exercises and they can remember its key points longer. Thirdly, make yourself clear. Before you take exams, you have to know that you are clear on your subjects and you practice well. If you do your best already, just sit down and make your mind in peace before taking exams. Don’t review lessons when exams nearly come because it can make us nervous and forget all the lessons that we prepared. When our mind stays in peace, we can solve all problems that we face in exams. Finally, preparing for exams is not difficult. If students can follow these three steps that I described above, they will do well in their exam. As my own opinion, everything starts from zero, if students know this sentence clearly, they will be able to prepare and follow their goals confidently.

Start with today, do it now, and you will get it!

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