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[KIT]How to improve yourself ??

Everyone is flawed, sometimes that flawed is what makes them unique,while sometimes that flawed is the kryptonite to their good impression from others. However, as a human being it is good to have flaws, since no one is perfect and the imperfection of a person is what makes them perfect just the way they are. However, just because of a saying that it is ok to have flaws doesn’t mean you don’t have to try to work on improving yourself to be a better version of you physically and mentally . Therefore, here is how you can learn how to improve yourself. 

Now let’s talk about how you can improve yourself physically.There is no better word than this, but the body that is in shape will always be better than the body that is out of shape. Not to sound like body shaming, but we can look at it from a health perspective. When you are out of shape, your body is not that healthy since it doesn’t have muscle to burn down the fat inside of you, while your body keeps on storing fat more and more everyday which has a chance of you getting high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Although the shape of your body is just an extra benefit apart from your health, you will most likely want to see more of yourself in shape rather than yourself being out of shape. Therefore, you should do more exercise/cardio to burn more fat, while being more logical on what you should and shouldn’t eat. It is called eating with common sense, you should know that the joy of eating something only lasts while you eat it. So when you finish eating, the joy will be gone. Therefore you should eat something that won’t turn you into a big blob of mess later in life.
    On the other hand your mentality is also the factor that defines what kind of person you are, whether you are a person with empathy or sympathy or just turn out to be an arrogant person who doesn’t consider other people’s opinion and feelings when doing something. Sometimes you might not be aware that you are hurting people’s feelings when you talk, and being rude to others without noticing it. Toxicity always happens to people who always think they are right, while not having self awareness. You might think that you are not one of these people and you are a victim of the argument that you are in, but when you start to compare your action to what a toxic person, you will start to see it clearly that you are one of them. When you have self awareness, you will start to change and improve your attitude and your mentality toward people, so it is a good first step for improvement in your mentality. Next if you have anger issues, you should take your time to take a deep breath and think that people won’t feel great when you throw your wrath towards them, and then you will know how to be forgiving and be nice to others without being toxic, even though they made a mistake. 

Once you start to improve yourself on those two parts you will find your life to be better and less miserable day by day. 

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