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[KIT] Tips to choose the collect major and university

Every year there are many students who graduate from high school. Most of them Don’t know which major they should choose for their career, even the university. This is the struggling situation for them to fight with themself “which major and university Should I choose?” They may ask this question to themself tons of time to clarify if it is true for them. Sometimes even they made the decision already after joining the university for a month or year. They just found out that “Ohh that’s my correct major”. In this case, many students suffer without knowing the real career. Here are some tips to choose the correct major in the university.

  1. Know yourself

You have to ask yourself which subjects in high school that you are good at. It’s a hard question since you have experience in high school, So you will answer it easily. For example, I love math and physics. If you still don’t know about it, you can check your exam result and identify which subject did you get the highest score. Easy right?

2. Choose the major

This time after you know yourself about which major that you are good at. You have to select the favorite major and put it on the list. Select one by one in your list and do the analysis and compare each major to find the best fit for you. 

3. Ask yourself

After you finger out some major in your hand. This time to ask yourself about that major again. Here are some questions you have to ask yourself in each major.

  • Why did you choose this major?
  • Is it from your brain or another influence?
  • Are you sure to make this decision if you get influenced by another person?
  • Is it fit with your good subject at high school? 

4. Check university

Sometimes even you choose the right major for yourself, but if the university isn’t on the same standard as you. You will be bored with that particular major one day in university. In this case, you have to check the quality and ask for recommendations from the senior. Is this university good or not?

5. Check your budget

If you don’t want to disturb your study during university you have to clarify with your parents. Does your parent have enough budget for your payment or not. If not you have to plan” which solution to solve your problem”

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