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[KIT]For All Students!!4 ways to get up early on your exam day

person sleeping on sofa near the wall

I often oversleep …
I’m always late to leave home …

I think there are many people who have such troubles.
This time, I will introduce you “4 ways to get up early”.

Get multiples of 5 hours for sleeping

Do you know the terms “non-REM sleep” and “REM sleep”?
“non-REM” sleep is the time when the brain sleeps deeply, and “REM sleep” is the time when the body sleeps deeply. When you wake up during “REM sleep”, your body is asleep but your brain is awake, and you can wake up refreshed.

And since the “REM sleep” cycle comes every 1.5 hours, if you wake up in multiples of 1.5 hours, you can wake up effortlessly in the morning. If you have already set the time to wake up in the morning, it is a good way to calculate back from that time and decide the bedtime.

➁Eliminate sleep deprivation by deepening your sleep

The tip to getting up early is to get a good night’s sleep.
By taking a deep sleep, you will feel less tired when you wake up, and you will be able to wake up refreshed. Here are some tips for getting a good night’s sleep

Be in the sunlight
Exercise and get tired
Refrain from using smartphones and computers before going to bed
Alcohol should be modest

When exposed to sunlight, melatonin necessary for sleep is secreted, and fatigue promotes a comfortable sleep. On the other hand, the light from your smartphone or computer before going to bed awakens your brain, making it harder to fall asleep, and alcohol has the effect of lowering the quality of your sleep. Comfortable bedding also enhances sleep quality. Even a single pillow can change a lot, so why don’t you start with changing your pillow?

Wake up at the same time even on Saturdays and Sundays

Waking up at the same time on Saturdays and Sundays will reduce the fatigue on weekdays. If you are less tired on weekdays, it will be easier to get up early on Saturdays and Sundays, creating a positive cycle.

④Add impact to the alarm

・ Set the TV-timer
Turn up the volume on your TV and set timer when you want to wake up. When you hear loud news at the time you want to wake up, you can be surprised and wake up.

・ Open the curtains before fell asleep
By opening the curtains and sleeping, you can lighten your sleep due to the influence of light during the time you wake up.

The store where you can buy good items for your sleep


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