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[KIT] How to gain your parents’ trust

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/0K7GgiA8lVE

Interrelationship between interest, talent and parental influence has played as major problems in Cambodian society for adolescents in choosing major in university for future career. Whether they were raised with ideals of certain professions, or they are looking for a job which fit their parents’ decision, these issues should be carefully considered. With no way of escaping form pressure, descendants force themselves to accept their parental preference, which leads to many disadvantages.

Facing problems is not scary because behind every scene, there are always solutions. None of parents want to see dreadful end of their children, which is why they prepare a perfect path for the child and forget to ask for opinion. No matter how educated or uneducated parent, their priority and sacrifice is to build a best world for children to live in comfortably. Therefore, it is time for new generations to illustrate their knowledge and confidence to prove how strongly they can survive in this new era. Parent loves children, but they need evidences and suitable reasons to convince their worries. Hence, adolescents need to be ready to be on their feet.

            Being mature is one of the reasons, which reduce level of worry of elder people. Child is considered to be immature, but why? Because they have not yet had their own intelligence but to live on borrowed ideas and beliefs. Their brains are just like sponge and what sponge does? It soaks, absorbs anything coming to it without discretion. If you tell a child that ghost is existed and look scary, he will absolutely believe it. Yet maturity is being to attain something by carefully investigating in the content of your mind. You are mature when you are no more a sponge. According to a post online provided by Acharya Prashant on Quora.

            Maturity with no experience is same as a ship with no steering wheel. There are questions why elder people can see further problems than younger people. It is because of obstacles they have been through in their life. By manipulating those struggles, they can assume the outcome of next problem more accurately. Doing volunteering work is the best opportunity to step out of the comfort zone and discover new challenges. That will be the chance to socialize with the world, gaining various ideas, explore real taste of life and especially get to know your core more. In addition, travelling alone to explore new places in different area will give you self-control and more flexible to immediate challenge. Being alone on trip with nobody to discuss, you will learn to make observe the problem and find solution by yourself. These will provides you with self-improving.

            In conclusion, these papers have covered the detail of disadvantages of selected job for descendent and solutions for young generation to fight for their rights. It is undeniable that parents are the immediate contact to children for their mental and physic development, but parents should not involve in making-decision progress of children. Not all parents are knowledgeable enough to provide best information with regard of choice of career. If children are forced to ignore their hearts, consequences do not only stay with them for the rest of their life, but also family and the whole nation. There is a quote said ‘Go where your heart belongs, you will find happiness there.’ 

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