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[KIT] How to deal with yourself when you feel down?

When they can’t do something or can’t accomplish what they want or break up with whom they love, everyone always feels down, they are always sad, disappointed, and they try to push those faults on themselves. This just  tips to reduce feeling down and get your life more better.

1. Stay alone

You’re down, you can’t do something, you feel helpless, you keep this feeling in a place, you can sit alone, you can yell, you can sleep, you can do something, but you should not think or do something in a wrong way such as sucide.There is a reason for something to happen, so you can find doubt that what makes you like this, why this happens in your life, sometimes you are not confident enough, you are not wise enough to solve the issue,either you’re lazy or something that makes you lost, you don’t get respect from someone in your class or work, sometimes you are not good enough to make them trust, or you lacking in knowledge or capacity. Try to better yourself, nobody is born with wish, hard work, self-confidence , believe in yourself. Staying alone doesn’t mean you are lonely, you just give time to yourself to reflect, and understand yourself more, what you want, and make it happen in your life, nothing that you can’t do. Make impossible things possible.

2. Need someone to help you

Sometimes you overthink, you can’t control yourself completely, you need to find someone that can help you such as relatives, close friends, partner or the one who can help you, give advice to you, support you. Sometimes they do not do anything, they just listen to you, it also helps you, you tell them, and you feel better than before when you speak it out.

Having a person who understands you, who stays by your side,  who supports you, inspires you, who drives you to get what you want, who believes in you, it’ll also make your life have hope, and stay strong day by day.

3. Do what you want

That’s an important part here. You can do what you need and you want to do what you want, such as:

  • Sleeping: after waking up, sleep is a drug to make you better, and you have useful ideas to fix issues that happen to you, and help your body have more energy as well.
  • Travel: you only spend time travelling to the place you want, taking a break, making your life healthier as well.
  • Reading books, watching motivational videos: it encourages you as well, it gives you ideas, it finds the best way to tackle your issues. Reading books is really important, it gives you wisdom, you have more patience, and when you read more books, it helps you live in the right way.

Of course you can do everything, listen to music, listen to sangha, listen to entrepreneurs , take a picture, do farm with your plants, clean house, we can do anything that makes you feel better.

This is just my ideas to fix the feel down feeling, I know it’s hard, but everyone can not live in a sad life and feel down for a long time, you just let it go and try to fix them as soon as possible, you need to walk, even if you walk slowly but you still walk in your own way, don’t let feel down feeling to make your life worst.

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