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[KIT] How To Write Clean Code

As a software engineer or software developer, we should all learn how to write clean and efficient code, so it would make the person after you or someone else understand how your code works. So, here is the question, what makes the good software? How will other developers judge on your software? 

Software can be judged by reading its code and the functionality that it does that has written in the project. If the code is easy to understand and easy to change then it is definitely done by professionals. Because only professionals write clean code and it is easy to understand.

Credit: Image from pixabay.com

Want to be a professional programmer? 

Want to be a Clean code writer?

Here we are going to teach you how to make your code look clean

  • Use a meaningful name or variable: While writing code you will definitely create some function, variable, arguments, module, package or classes etc. while these things are created you will have to create a name for them too like your children. You will definitely put your children’s name meaningful, right? These things are also when you create a meaningful name it makes it easier to understand what is this using for.
  • Single Responsibility Principle: Function, Classes or Method is a good way to organize your code as blocks, when we start writing a function we should know two things that make our function clean and easy to understand:
    • Functions should be small
    • Functions should only do one thing and they should do it well
  • Avoid Writing Unnecessary Comments: it is normal that people comment on their code to tell what this block of code does. But you have to choose the right block that seems a bit complicated or hard to understand. We should comment on the task that it does. When you comment at the wrong block it will become an unnecessary comment on your code and it will make other people confused.
  • Write Readable Code For people: For beginners they usually write everything in a single line of code. It makes their code unreadable for other people. When we write the code we should give it proper white space and give each line a break, so we could know where it starts and where it ends. 
  • Writing Unit Test: writing a testing code is very important on your project. When we start doing a project or start writing a code. We always make a demo out first. When we are making the demo it is when the code is the ugliest, because people do not care about the code at the demo stage later they will start writing a proper code and refactor it to a better and cleaner code.
  • Make your project well organized: it is normal that when we are doing the project, we will delete some file or directories to make it look cleaner inside the project folder. If we do not clean the project folder once in a while after finishing the project your project folder will be a mess inside there. So, you should always clean the folder or just delete it as soon as you do not need it anymore.

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