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How to be good at League of Legend

League of Legend is currently at the top of gaming industry because there are around 60 millions player playing this game monthly. League of Legend was founded by two people who were formerly developers for Defense of Ancient 1 (former rival game of League of Legend), by twisting their idea and added more unique elements into the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena concept, thus League of Legend was born. If we’re talking about the competitive scene in this game, it is indeed very “Competitive” because there are a lot of experienced/competitive players who want to be at the top so that the worlds can see and admire them.

League of Legend competitive scene is also popular amongst teenagers because the game is easy to pick up and learn but require lot of effort to master. So if you’re one of the teenagers who are interested in League of Legend and want to be good at this game to impress your friends, here are some methods or practices that you can implement into your next game in order to improve your game’s performance.

  1. Be patient during early game This is the part where it indicates who is a rookies and who is a professional player. In League of Legend, early game or also known as “Laning Phase” is really critical toward your late game scene because during the laning phase you need to have above average Creep Score in order to have high amount of gold to outperform your enemy. A lot of newbies in this game tend to play really aggressive during the Laning Phase because these players think that kills are indeed more important than Creep Score or gold so their main objective in the first 2-9 minutes is to get the first kill. Anyone who get a first blood win the game, but no they’re dead wrong because professional players never or rarely engage in early game fight because they do not have enough item or enough damage to deal to the enemy champion so instead of going head to head they spend times roaming or farming in their lane and play very passive. This is one of the key to win the whole game and always remember to play passively during early game.
  2. Be calm during team fight This is also really a critical point to know if you want to win your game. The key to winning is to be really calm at most of the time because once you panicked you won’t realize what is going to happen because everything will happen in an instant if you’re panicking. So don’t panic and be calm so you can bring the most out of yourself, perhaps you can outplay your enemy. From my personal experience as a 7 years old Leauge of Legend player, I tend to perform really well when I’m calm but during the time that I’m nervous or panic, my performance plunge down into a singularity.
  3. Know your role Role and position is important too. If you’re having no idea what to do then you probably don’t understand what you’re position or your role is. So before playing you need to do some research on your champions so that you know which lane is best to play or which champion to scale with quick. Once you know your role, you will know what to do in the game this making the team play’s performance increases drastically if everyone know their part and their role.

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