There are many games in the world, and games are being developed to provide players with some of the best experiences and beautiful art design. It is rare to find legacy games that are able to maintain their players and being able to attract more players to play their games. But League of Legends is one of those legacy games. In this article, we will take about some of the special features that League of Legends provides to its players.
League of Legends was created and launched in 2009, in the first few years after launch the game gain some audience and generate a decent amount of money. The company uses this budget to improve and further develop its game into one of the biggest games in the industry that we know as LOL nowadays. League of Legends would always host competitions that allow a player from around the world to compete for the championship title at the highest standard of gameplay quality.
Initially, the game graphic design was not as good as it was today, but it was considered amazing a decade ago. They would often spend most of their budget to provide players with fantastic splash arts, that they feel as if the characters were alive. But that is not all the development team also focuses on the lore of every character in the game, creating the best and addictive story written from pieces of each character’s lore. Each lore is filled with fairy tales and some were inspired by mythical and historical figures that allow players and readers to experience the actual story as if they were in the story themselves.
Not only the lore that is amusing but the game itself consist of a variety of characters or we call them “Champions”. They allowed players with options to play whichever champion they are accustomed to and pick the role they want to play. Roles are divided into 5 Top, Mid, ADC, Support, and Jungle where they would go separate lanes and carry out their duties in order to win the game. Not to mention, each character design was made to reflect the personality of people. So if you ever try this game out and manage to find the right champion that reflects you, then I would suggest sticking to that one.
As I have mentioned above, League of Legend host tournaments which is supported by all of the players around the world. There are different leagues and competitions depending on the regions the players are from. But eventually, the top 3 teams that represent their region will come to the world stage and compete for the title of world champions. World Championship is very rare as it only occurs once a year. As for the winner, the entire team will receive skin customization designed based on how the winner wants to portrait themselves in the game. With new skins releasing on the basis will allow players to look forward to seeing the amazing splash art as well as the character in the game.
One of the best features about LOL is its rewarding system. Players do not always have to pay actual money to buy skins for their champions instead they can depend on their luck and hope they will be rewarded with the skin and game materials they preferred.