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[KIT]Hun Sen Krava High School, The school you should study if you are at Kompong Thom.

  Hun Sen Krava High School

1.The location of Hun Sen Krava High School

        Hun Sen Krava high school is in Kampong Thom province, Baray District, Krava commune. You can see that school if you go on national street 6 until you reach kampong Thmor commune. Just far away from Kompong Thmar commune perhaps 16 kilometers you will reach the Hun sen Krava high school.it was built near the market, hospital center.

2. The History of This High School    


  This high school was built in 1995. At that time, there were only 2 buildings. The building ”A” is a classroom building. It had 5 classrooms. The other building is the bureaus. After that, in 2000 this high school had 2 more buildings with 10 classrooms. In 2007 this high school had one more building. Last year 2 buildings were done. Until this high school has 7 buildings or 30 classrooms with 2000 students. The bureau building has 3 rooms such as a library,  computer room and offices. and up until now there are 2 more buildings with 12 rooms.

3. The Best Location  

This high school was built on the hill so we need to clean it and prepare it step by step. Down to the school, there are 3 floors. The first floor is the gate. The second floor is a sports field. On the right hand is the basketball field And on the left hand is the volleyball field. After that is the building floor.Because of this school built on the Hill so it is very fresh and cold in January. Out of that, this school was surrounded by the tree and flowers. because of that location, when the cold weather is coming, it makes the student feel like they are in the middle of the sky. and when the season that the rice has to harvest, all the rice field around the hill make the view like the school is staying in the center of the golden field.

4 The School goals and achievements

After 2013 the minister of the ministry of education and sport informed the program for the national exam, this high school was the first school that had the most students pass the national exam.

  1. For  2013-2014  there were 85 students and passed the national exam 63 students or 74.11%
  2. For 2014-2015  there were 78 students and passed the national exam 76 students or 97.43%
  3. For 2015-2016  there were 132 students and passed the national exam 126 students or 95.45%

5.The School Events

This school always has 2 parties per year. The first party they celebrate on Khmer new year and the second party they celebrate after the students pass the national exam. Sometimes students make some activities for the teacher as well. They always make birthday parties for their teacher. 

6. The Best Discipline and The falsities

        In this high school, adding on the discipline that is provided by the ministry of education and sport, this high school also has its own discipline. The special one: students can not bring the plastic to the school area. If someone does not obey that discipline, they will be warned by the director. For some teachers, they don’t like students who come to class late so they do not allow the student to study if they are late. 

             This high school is well-known in Kampong Thom province.

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