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[KIT]How to avoid getting old so fast

No one wants to get older but it is human nature to get old from day today. Some may look old even though they still at a young age. But some are still young and beautiful even though they are more than thirty years old. People have their tips to make them look good and still young. Today I will give you some tips on how to look young and fresh.

1.Protect your skin from the sun:

You know people looking old when they got more wrinkles on their face and the main reason that many wrinkles appear on your face and body because of the sunray that directly damages your skin and makes it wrinkle from time to time. So make sure that you will apply sun protection on your skin for at least 30 minutes before going out.

2.Stay healthy

Drinking at least 2 liters of water a day will hydrate your skin which also can prevent you from getting wrinkles on your skin. Eating is also a key to be healthy. You have to eat on time and prevent from fast food, sweets and dry food which won’t give your body enough vitamins to grow your strength and skill cell. Last but not least is exercising. Make sure to do exercise at least 15 minutes a day that can also make you look strong and when you’re strong you’ll look younger.


At this point, I want to emphasize clothing. You know what no only your skin will make you look young but the way that you wear is also important to make you look younger than you age.

Never make it too simple or too much on clothing but make sure that you have proper clothing and it’s suitable according to the events that you’re going to join. If you really don’t have any idea about clothing, you can ask your friends who are good at clothing or search on the internet about fashion that fits you.

4.Stop drinking, smoking, and late-night sleep

Drinking alcohol will not only make your skin dark but it also causes acne which makes you look old than your age. Stop drinking alcohol but drinking water instead. Smoking also affects your health and beauty. It makes your teeth and lip become black and dark skin. Moreover, for people to are likely to stay up late at night, it’s not only affecting your brain but it’s also causing you many problems which makes you look old like acne, wrinkle, panda eyes so on and so forth.


According to the research, people who got stressed from work, family unrest, or their triggers, can leads to increased blood pressure, sleep disruptions, and acne breakout. These ailments all have a negative impact on how we age. Make sure you will try your best to deal with the stress. Giving yourself time, enjoy with the way that makes you feel happy but healthy not to release your stress with smoking or drinking.

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