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[KIT] How to write in rhetorical

Writing serves many purposes, where individual allow to expressing ideas, beliefs, and personal opinion on certain events. With the existence of rhetoric, writing developed to be more superior where we can use it to persuade others and to win an argument. At the end of the AP Language and Composition course, my understanding about the philosophy of writing and rhetoric are wider. From my experience, I use writing and rhetoric in order to help me create a voice in a society when I display my ideas, beliefs, or criticism on a particular event. The reason why I was convinced to think that we use writing and rhetoric to help change in society was because of all the advocate person speech I had analyzed in AP Language and Composition course, for example, How Martin Luther King Jr and Albright’s use writing and rhetoric to persuade people for a greater change in a societies.

After a common understanding of rhetoric, my philosophy of writing has changed completely. Before I think that writing is used for me to express my creativity and share my thought, but now my eye is wide open, writing much more significance than I originally thought. Writing can be used to make a greater change in our society. Over the past decade, I inspired by what Martin Luther King Jr had done for his society. Martin Luther King Jr has shown us how powerful writing and rhetoric can be if used properly. Instead of rebelling with violence, King Jr has made use of his writing and rhetoric to make a persuasive speech to gather people and fought from everyone right against discrimination. With writing even if King Jr dead, his legacy is still passed to many people in the next generation. This show that King Jr show because of rhetoric, his writing was able to persuade other people up until the present promoting the non-violence protest.

Some might think that rhetoric can only be used to strengthen our writing so that it sounds more persuasive. However, serve any purpose and also can be useful in real life. With the understanding of rhetorics, I found writing so influential; everyday people use writing and rhetorics to persuade others either in an argument or expressing ideas or beliefs. When I first start the AP Language and Composition course, I have no clue of about the philosophy of rhetorics, hence, I don’t reconigze when others use it against me which cause me to be on a disadvantage every time. For example, I got tricked when others use a rhetorical question in the form of an advertisement to persuade me into buying their product. Most of the time, I lost in an argument with others that know rhetorics well since I don’t have any knowledge of rhetorics to counteract their persuasive techniques. At the end of the AP Language and Composition course, my thought on rhetorics completely changed, I began to recognize rhetoric almost everywhere. With rhetorics, we were able to solve many problems whether for our societies, work purpose or in a conversation.

Writing and Rhetorics is significant to the world because it allows many individuals to influence our societies for a greater good if used properly. Writing and Rhetorics, we can persuade many people into interpreting our ideas or belief that we expressed. Martin Luther King Jr is an advocate that makes use of rhetoric to persuade people into non-violence protest against the discrimination on skin color. Since his use Writing and Rhetorics properly, even after he died, he still able to persuade others in his previous writing which is very powerful. Rhetoric can also help us with our everyday life problem like winning an argument or persuade other.

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