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[KIT] How to take care of a Hamster

Four paws, two bright eyes, and a group of twitchy whiskers. There’s nothing cuter than a pet hamster! If you’ve just recently welcomed a hamster into your family, here are some quick care tips for you.

  1. Choose a habitat
    Your little dude (or dudette) needs a secure range in which to explore and feel comfortable. Explore colors, tubes, accessories, and add-ons to form their habitat unique! Pick bedding they will burrow in, and confirm to settle on the right-sized bottle sort of a 6-ounce chew-proof bottle.
  2. Put their habitat within the right place
    As is that the case with many small animals, placement is important to a cheerful pet. Put your hamster’s home near the sounds of your family, but not right within the thick of things. They’ll be comforted by your day-to-day sounds, but are going to be stressed by loud noises and much hubbub right outside their space.
  3. Cover their habitat with a light-weight cloth for the primary few days
    When you bring your new hamster home, everything is new to them. Give them the headspace to urge to understand their new habitat for a couple of days, without the distractions of your home – by placing a light-weight cloth over their space. be happy to require this cover off for bonding time!
  4. Wait a couple of days before trying to select them up
    Like any new friendship, it takes time to urge to understand someone and feel comfortable with them. That said, wait a short time to handle your hamster or pick them up. After a couple of days of giving them food and water, they’ll start to trust you!
  5. Think outside the box for feeding time
    You don’t eat equivalent things a day, do you? Your hamster will appreciate a varied diet the maximum amount as humans do. Additionally to their normal everyday food try giving them small amounts of carrots, squash, broccoli, cucumbers, apples, pears, or berries. Ask your vet about the simplest foods to feed your new friend.
  6. Clean and wash your hamster’s space regularly
    There’s a cheerful medium between keeping your hamster’s home clean and cozy and creating undue stress by cleaning it an excessive amount.
  7. Give them much out-of-habitat time
    A great thanks to giving your hamster exercise and obtain some needed bonding time is to supply ample playtime outside their habitat hebdomadally. we propose fixing a little gated area with many toys and a few treats in order that they can explore and say hi to their human family. Remember to always supervise your hamster.
  8. Take time to bond together
    Patience, regular feeding, playtime, and soft talk will extend the way in helping you bond together with your hamster. Confirm to always approach your pet slowly and ask them in a conversational manner. They’ll learn to acknowledge your scent and voice and see you as a source of comfort.
  9. Handle your pet with care
    Unlike other small animals, hamsters and gerbils got to be picked up with both hands and cradled in cupped hands. An equivalent goes for putting them down, but use extra caution in order that they don’t accidentally shake or slip through your hands. Because these pets are naturally nocturnal, be sensitive to the time of day you’re trying to handle your pet.

Ready to start pet parenting your hamster?

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