Have you ever wanted to experience eating vegetables grown in your own garden?
Whether it is for health reasons or just because you want to explore something new, the joy of watching your plant grow right in front of your eyes is just tremendous.
For those of you who have planned a few things before, this might be easy. But planting anything can be hard for a first timer. So if you are ready to take the challenge you can proceed with this article.
There are two methods for planting garlic. The first method is more suitable if you don’t have a lot of space in your house or you don’t have a garden since the first method can be done in a plant pot or just any box you have lying around.
For the first method you’re going to need some water bottles to start the sprout first. First, you need to cut the water bottle in half. You can also use plastic cups. Next, Cut the bottom of the garlic. After that fill the bottle or the cup with water and dip the garlic into it. Make sure to not submerge the whole clove of garlic. After that leave the garlic for at least one week to sprout. The sprout should be at least 10 centimeter long.
The next step is to transfer the garlic to another container. Fill the container with the soil. You can buy soil that is already prepared at your local plant store. Separate the garlic into cloves and plant them at least 10 centimeters from each other. If they plant them too close, they might not be able to grow well.
Another method is suitable for a house with a garden. In this method, you don’t need to start the sprout in the water in advance. First, you need to prepare the soil. Next, make holes in the soil at least 10 centimeters from each other. After that, put one garlic clove into each hole and cover with the soil.
The next step will be the same for both methods. Make sure to water the garlic, but don’t overwater. In the first few weeks, you don’t have to water often as the garlic is still young. Just make sure that the soil doesn’t dry out. However, as the garlic grows, it will need more water and you have to water them twice a day. Garlic can take up to six month to grow, but with patience and care, it will sprout happiness for you.