Youtube is the biggest video streaming platform in the world that contains billions of videos such as music, education, tutoring, vlog, entertainment, short film, and so on. You can find almost everything on Youtube but the problem is you need to have an internet connection to access it. If you want to watch those videos offline, you have to download them to watch later. Basically, YouTube also provides a Download feature for users to watch videos without an internet connection. But this feature can only download some of the videos on YouTube. So, what should we do if we want to download videos on Youtube? Well, if you are using an Andriod phone, it will be easier to download free videos on YouTube by just install an open-source app on the Playstore that can download videos on YouTube. But if you are using iPhone or iPad, it might be hard to download those videos on YouTube. Fortunately, everything always has a solution. Today I am going to give you some instructions on how to download free videos on YouTube on iPhone or iPad devices.
1. Download Document App on App store
We have already known that Apple security is very strict, so some app which is not fully requirement, will not be able to host their application on the App store. Especially, some applications related to copyright issues. So, if you want to download YouTube videos, you can install the Document application on the App store.
2. Open the Documents Application
After we download the Documents App. Please follow the steps below
- Opening the Document app

- Then click safari search on the app
- Then go to YouTube
- Find the video you like, then copy the link on the video you like

- Then, search YouTube converter
- Click on Youtube to Mp3 Converter

- Paste the YouTube link that you already copied

- Then, click convert
- After that, it downloads directly

- When it finished you can check in the download folder on the Documents home page.
There are many questions ask, Is downloading video on YouTube is legal? The answer is “NO”. Based on the terms of service for YouTube said, “You may access Content for your information and personal use solely as intended through the provided functionality of the Service and as permitted under these Terms of Service. You shall not download any Content unless you see a ‘download’ or similar link displayed by YouTube on the Service for that Content.”. So, doing like this will consider as illegal. But if you use it just to listen to music and watch the video later with no internet connection, it is totally fine.