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[KIT] The Wonderful Place In Cambodia (Angkor Wat)


The History of Angkor Wat
The city of Angkor Wat now is in Cambodia that was build by King Suryavarman II in 12th century of the Khmer empire. It is almost 900 year old till now. It began work on 200 hectare temple with amazing architectural masterpiece. Angkor Wat is a largest religions moment in the world. Now it considered one of the seven wonderful Angkor in the world. The temple complex was took 30 years to build. In the originally it dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu, till the end of 12th century it become to Buddhist temple. We found some 70 temples or other buildings within this this area, and the remain seven hundred additional minor temples sites are scattered throughout the landscape beyond.

The Location of Angkor Wat
The city of Angkor Wat now is in the Seam Reap province that was the capital of Khmer empire and thrived between the 9th to 15th centuries. There are various of the temples that including Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, Bayon Temple and Ta Prom. Now we know that Angkor Wat was a centre of city as large as Berlin. It was the heart of the largest empire of its time. As it is the largest city and contain many kinds of the temples. We can not walk or no way to walk within the whole complex of the Angkor and visitor can not drive in the park. So, they can hire the bicycle or tuk tuk between $15 to $21 to ride around the whole Angkor Wat. For a bicycle adventure definitely it took around two to three days in the park, otherwise is impossible to see everything.

Best Time To Visit Angkor Wat
Follow the typical weather patterns of Asia, the best time we should go to visit the Angkor Wat is during the dry season from late November to early April. Because it is less heat and more tourists. Also the rainy season start in June and lasted till September, the place is lush green that everything is fresh. But it can hard to drive from one temple to other temples under the frequent storms. So, before you want go to visit there you should prepare something that can protect you from the weather. It can make your trip more happier and safely.

The Services At Angkor Wat
In the capital of city of Seam Reap that contain many things and it is the best of the for the customers. The 5 starts Hotel, restaurants and many kind of transportation that make everyone comfortable. It is also a one place that have security of the people who want of go out around the city of Seam Reap. Especially, everywhere is so clean and a beautiful of construction. We don’t need to worry about those things as much as we have money. One more thing that we should consider is making to team to visit because to avoid the losing ways. Especially, if you have the children please be careful for them.

In Conclusion
Those are some advice that we should know before making a trip to visit the Angkor Wat. It is really amazing place in Cambodia that we should not missing. Please, enjoy your trip to Angkor Wat. Good luck.

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