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[KIT]Top 2 food you should try in Cambodia

I do not own any of these pictures. These pictures are used for educational purpose only. I took them all from these link.
fish amok: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theinternationalkitchen.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F09%2FTIK_CambodiaVacations_amok.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theinternationalkitchen.com%2Fblog%2Frecipe-for-khmer-fish-amok%2F&tbnid=nnOfxkvHaIIj8M&vet=12ahUKEwjQ66STx9ruAhXCEXIKHZDyBgsQMygAegUIARDZAQ..i&docid=bfrePaE2Y3dwhM&w=1920&h=1280&q=fish%20amok%20hd&ved=2ahUKEwjQ66STx9ruAhXCEXIKHZDyBgsQMygAegUIARDZAQ
cambodia spring rolls: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FTkfzy20VDx4%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DTkfzy20VDx4&tbnid=SsypsaEbsAPzZM&vet=12ahUKEwiPlbKQx9ruAhWXen0KHRP3CUIQMygCegUIARCfAQ..i&docid=EH59dQSrtrPeEM&w=1280&h=720&q=cambodian%20spring%20rolls%20hd&ved=2ahUKEwiPlbKQx9ruAhWXen0KHRP3CUIQMygCegUIARCfAQ

There is plenty of food in Cambodia but not all of them are good. It is based on people’s preferences. However, there are some particular foods which are always delicious no matter what.

 First of all, the most popular food in Cambodia is Amok. If you have visited Vietnam, Thai, Lao or Cambodia, you must have heard of this food before. It is so popular to both the locals and the foreigners. What makes this food so special ? This is a traditional khmer dish and it has that distinctive taste of boneless fish mix with coconut milk producing a stewie and creamy in the food itself. It is usually served with rice and banana leaf as a plate or holder. The cooking process is pretty complicated. It takes roughly 30 to 45 minutes to cook depending on the chef’s skills. The most unique feature of this dish is not only the taste but also the ingredients and the decoration itself. There are a lot of ingredients for this dish. 

You may need fresh boneless fish fillet, coconut milk, water, carrot, cabbage, Kale (destemmed), Mushrooms, oyster sauce, noni leaves, beaten egg, fish sauce, chicken broth, oil, shrimp paste, sugar, amok paste, and banana leaves for serving. 

Here are the instructions on how to make Fish Amok. First, start cutting the fish into bite sized pieces and set aside. Then, clean and slice the vegetables. And then, in a large skillet or frying pan, heat the curry seed oil, amok paste, shrimp paste, and coconut milk. Then heat them slowly and cook until it gives you a smell. Next, add the vegetables except the kale, fish, and seasoning and cook for a few minutes. Then, add kale, egg and serve in a plate made of banana leaves. Also, pour the coconut milk on top to get the creamy taste. The dish is almost done, it only needs the final ingredients such as minced lemongrass, minced galangal, turmeric, kaffir lime leaves, and chopped cloves garlic to make the amok paste. Finally, blend all the ingredients together to form a paste. There you go one delicious Fish Amok.

Cambodian spring roll is also a popular dish in Cambodia. People usually make this during a party or any kind of gathering because it needs a lot of chefs and time to make them. It has its unique taste of chewy meat and salad with vinegar and fish sauce. It is hard to describe this but it is so addictive and works well with ice cold beer or other kinds of soda. 

You may need some ingredients which you can only find in the local market. Here are the ingredients: water, small sliced pork, khmer noodle or Num Banh Jok, round sheets rice paper, vinegar, shredded salad, peanut, soy sauce, fish sauce, carrot, onion, chilly, garlic.

Here is how to make the spring roll. First, prepare the rolls and start to boil the water in a large pan. Then, cook them for a few minutes, drain and rinse with cold water. Next, place noodles in a bowl covered with boiling water and wait about 10 minutes and drain. And then, add cold water to a large shallow dish and place 1 rice paper sheet in the water. Wait until it turns soft, take it out and lay it on a surface. Then, place the pork, salad, cooked noodles, and mint in and roll the sheet. After that, close the two sides and then make the dipping sauce by mixing vinegar, minced cooked peanut, shredded onion and carrot. And there you have it a few fresh cambodian spring rolls and Fish Amok for you and your family to enjoy.

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