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[Cebu] Web Analytics Consultant Course/Business seminar/Island Tour

It was hosted by association of Web analysis person and held “Cebu business & resort inspection + English training tour in Philippines” for ~4 21 days a month on April 17, 2019.

Of January 22, 2019 when this article goes away an “essence “seminar / Japan and Britain Web analysis person authorization lecture of the Web writing” is held in Philippines Cebu”! の sequel-like contents.

It is the length that is about the same as general overseas travel for 5 days and 4 nights and the stay,

  • The English conversation school where there is a studying abroad experience
  • Seminar (Japanese) for entrepreneur, managers
  • Inspection of the Web analysis person authorization lecture field company of English version, the Japanese edition
  • Interchange and the contents with the overseas Japanese manager by the WAOJE

event introduce the whole aspect of these surprisingly varied tours with a local photograph.

Schedule of the Cebu business & resort inspection + English training tour in Philippines

4/17 Wednesday moving day

It is a moving day on that day.
We left Narita Airport in the morning and arrived at Cebu in the afternoon!
We check in at a hotel and possess it on the next day.

Three 4/18 Thursday seminar holding

It is 1st of the seminar jostling crowd on that day.

  • English version Web analysis person authorization lecture 10:00~16:00 (Philippine time) (include it for lunch break one hour)
  • Japanese Web analysis person authorization lecture
  • Seminar 18:30~20:30 (Philippine time) for company, managers

Three seminars were held.

English version Web Analytics Consultant lecture

This is a Web Analytics Consultant lecture of the English version by the authorized Web Analytics Master of the English version.
We get “an English version Web Analytics Consultant certificate” when I pass English version.

A seminar for company, managers “an entrepreneur making 1 from 0”

The seminar held at the night of this day for companymanagers” is a seminar for managers according to the name.
We talked about the manager of the guest for coming over doing process and the company that performed a companyand having had a hard time.
In addition, We raised a theme from the meeting place and did a panel discussion.

4/19 Friday English lesson + field company inspection tour

It is an inspection tour of an English lesson only in Cebu and the local company to have been performed on this day.
In fact, does Cebu know popular one among Japanese as “a point going it to study language?”
Because the tuition and stay costs are lower than the United States and the U.K., it is popular even among a student.

4/20 Saturday Cebu island hopping tour, WAOJE exchange meeting

  • Discussion with a tour around existing Jinoshima and the Japanese island owner
  • Seminar of the event of WAOJE (meeting of the Japanese overseas manager)

Cebu island hopping tour

The play that is the most popular by Cebu sightseeing is island hopping.
We am called an island tour and the island picnicbut am a tour to take a walk through a small island by ship.

Event seminar of WAOJE

We participated in an event seminar of WAOJE which was the community of the Japanese manager who made a company abroad on that day.
WAOJE is the following organizations.

WAOJE is the network of the Japanese entrepreneur based in foreign countries.
We increase headquarterses all over the world while assuming a city a unit.
In all parts of the worldI set a root in the field and am intended that I bring about a significant encounter
and new business opportunity because a Japanese entrepreneur conducting a business
against local people is connected across a city and a country.

according to:WAOJE

4/21 Sunday moving day

We did not have the plan in particular on the last day.
We flew from Cebu to Japan.

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