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[KIT]How to learn to prepare for the exam

Exam day is approaching and too many lessons can be memorized, here are 10 easy ways you can apply:

1 Schedule lesson reminders Some people always try to remind the lesson on the day of the exam or, in other words, learn at the last minute. This is a habit that you should avoid if you want your study to be successful. First you have to think and do. List the number of subjects you need to take and the date of the exam. Then set a time when you should start and set a date for each subject review.

2 Prepare a place for study Arranging a tidy and comfortable place can also help you to focus on studying well. You should choose a desk that is large enough to do the work and put the necessary materials such as computer books. Any location that has enough light and is not disturbed by sound or other factors.In addition, you need to choose a chair that provides comfort to sit. If you like listening to music, you can play your favorite song a little while you are studying.

3 Draw a graphic Pictures can be an aid in your study. As you review the lesson, you should begin by writing briefly about what you already know about the lesson. Then make a note of what you do not know or memorize and leave space for later. As the exam day approaches, you simply compile those notes into a single page. This will make it easier for you to recall any points.

4 Apply the old lesson This is one of the most effective methods. Practicing this method will help you to understand the format of the test, and you can learn to use your time to answer each of the questions in the test.

5 Explain Your Answer to Others This method allows you to practice answering questions or explaining a topic to other people, such as your parents, siblings, or friends. Go back and add ideas to it.

6 Organize group study with friends Create study groups with friends at any time to discuss questions and exchange ideas with each other.

7 Take regular breaks You should make it a habit to study and relax. For example, if you like to study in the morning, you should start early before you take a break at noon. If you like to study at night, you should get plenty of rest during the day so you have enough energy to study long at night. Leaving time for relaxation is a good thing that you should do because it helps your brain to function properly.

8 Eat foods that support the brain You should avoid foods that affect your brain, such as canned or packaged foods. You should eat nutritious foods that help your memory, such as fish, whole grains, yogurt and so on. Also, on exam day, you should eat a full meal and avoid sugary foods or drinks as it can weaken your strength within an hour after eating.

9 Plan for your exam You need to make sure that you are ready before the day of the exam, such as preparing the materials for the exam, knowing the location of the exam and scheduling the trip to the exam venue to avoid obstacles in the exam due to forgetfulness, fear or getting lost. Roads and so on.

10 Drink plenty of water The last method is to drink enough water, because hydration is important for the proper functioning of your brain to watch lessons and think during exams.

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